Flip Horizontal

While the first movieClip fades out, make a second clip fade in.

  1. For the sake of keeping things organized, name the first layer Fade Out
  2. Now add a second layer

Copy Keyframe 1 from the Fade Out layer, and Paste it onto frame 1 of Layer 2. Flash will proabaly apply the same Layer Name, Fade Out, to the new layer:

Now let's flip that new copy of the movieClip over:

  1. First, be sure to select the movieClip
  2. Click Modify > Transorm > Flip Horizontal

The two movieClips should be stacked directly on top of each other, which may not be the case after you flipped one. Just to be certain, let's center them both on the stage right now. First, use CTRL+A to select both clips. Then: