Navigating Movie Clip Timelines

Planning and Preparing

Before we dive right into this thing, let's think just a bit about how we're going to make it work. This may sound crazy, but pencil and paper make for great planning tools. Really: there's nothing quite like a quick sketch to help you get started on the right foot.

A few thoughts:

  1. We have to move the entire car
  2. The car contains a body and wheels
  3. The body has to move, inside the car
  4. The wheels have to move, inside the car

A sketch:

I decided to create a Movie Clip called vehicle_moving_mc which wil hold a motion tweened vehicle_mc. Everything else (body, wheels) will be inside vehicle_mc.

By the way, I see you are admiring my FaberCastell GOLIATH pencil. I get those at Press: Works on Paper