
One final thing i would like to do is get each star to move at a slightly different velocity. You can set a different speed variable for each star in the init function, but I am going to tie the velocity of each star with the size of the star: the larger the star, the faster it should move (because it's "closer").

This shouldn't be too tough if you use a little bit of math! You can have flash check each star's scale using newStar._xscale (or newStar._yscale since it is the same thing). Just figure it out! I'm going to divide the scale by a number so it won't run way too fast, then add that solution to the basic starSpeed variable. My final Value is newStar._x+starSpeed+(newStar._xscale/50)

I've messed with a few other numbers for my final project. You should work with your numbers: