A HyperLink Button

You have become comfortable with creating hypertext, text within your documents that connects a viewer to another document. You can also use inline images to act in a "hyper" manner.

The HTML tag for inline images within the hypertext portion of the anchor tag looks like this:

<a href="targetfile.htm"> <img src="graphic.gif" alt="AlternateText"> Home</a>

In your web page, this HTML code will display an inline image called graphic.gif and the text Home. Both will act as hyperlinks; clicking on either the text or the picture will tell your web browser to go to targetfile.htm.

The image alone could, and should, be a hyperlink. It's important that you know how to add in text if you needed to. However, You should use the alt= attribute in the <IMG...> tag. Here's a working example, followed by the HTML source code:


<a href="../../../Index.htm"><img src="Sample/farmer/pictures/navButtons/greyPattern/home.gif" alt="home">home</a>